Welcome to my website. It is my hope that your visit will be a pleasant one filled with new ideas and good conversation.
The books section has my poetry book, Tales From Weaver Pond and
I have three blog categories you might enjoy seeing. “The Path to Home” was partially inspired by an antique book of poetry of the same name that belonged to my Great-Grandmother, Laurel Jean Sobey. It was lost when I was 13, and for years I grieved because it was the only thing of hers that I possessed—except her name. A few years ago, I discovered a copy on the internet and purchased it immediately. I wanted it as a title for my blog because I have been looking for home all of my life and finally realized that just as life is a journey, home is any place where my heart can be at rest.
“The Writing Path” is about my passion. Sometimes, I have to force myself to begin my daily writing discipline; however, once started, I find time passes quickly and I’m reluctant to stop. I’ve been writing since 1960, and I believe it has contributed to a healthier, happier life. Writing helps me keep perspective, indicates my next steps, and contributes to my well being. I hope this blog encourages others to take up pen and paper.
“The Spiritual Path” is just what it says. Each of us has a different spiritual path—and I don’t mean religion. I happen to be a Christian; however, each Christian is a Christian in a different way, and each path to find God is blessed by Him. My spiritual path includes spiritual insight, spiritual questions, and spiritual revelations.
It is my hope that your stay at my website will be a happy one and that you will revisit this space often and with enthusiasm. Please feel free to note any thoughts you have on my blogs. I love to hear from you.
I give workshops in poetry and poetry readings. You will find those listed under “Events” Feel free to attend any that are posted. You are always welcome. And of course, if you want to know more about me, just click on my Bio.
Thank you for visiting my website. Don’t be a stranger—come any time.
Click to read about Laurel being recognized as a top poet in Denver by CBS News!